Everyone interested in genealogy, heraldry and related branches can become a member of the SGHS. Twice a yerar members obtain the Societys newsletter "Genealogicko-heraldický hlas" (Genealogical-Heraldic Voice) and other materials, through which we inform them about the activities in genealogy, heraldry and other related research fields in Slovakia and other countries.

To become a member it is necessary to fill in an application form and to pay a membership fee. Membership fee can be paid for one year or prepaid for several years.


per year


EUR   9,- (members from Austria, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine)

EUR 11,- (members from other European countries)

EUR 20,- (members outside of Europe)

Particular membership fee should be sent on the Society’s account. All the necessary information is here:

Recipient's name: Slovenská genealogicko-heraldická spoločnosť
Address: J.C.Hronského 1, 036 01 Martin
Account Nr. (IBAN, electronic form): SK6302000000000017237362
Account Nr. (IBAN, printed form): SK63 0200 0000 0000 1723 7362
BIC (Swift code): SUBASKBX
Name of the bank: Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s.
Address of the bank: M. R. Štefánika 2, 036 01 Martin